Melrose Moving Company

Melrose Moving Company

Melrose Moving Company s is a full service Los Angeles moving company providing professional moving services to help your residential and commercial relocation needs. Melrose Moving company Los Angeles is the safest bet. We are licensed and insured; we have liability, cargo insurance to protect your belongings throughout your move. We offer professional and reliable moving services at an affordable cost. No hidden fees. Call 1-800-431-3920 for a Free Quote or visit us online.



Contact Us

Address:Melrose Moving Company
12115 W Magnolia Blvd
, 91607
Phone: (800) 431-3920
Email: Click here to email us
Our Website: Click here to visit us!

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* Note: Melrose Moving Company is a , and business that is located in the city of and the county of in the state of .


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