Ryan A Todd Personal Wrongful Death KRW Lawyer
Ryan Todd specializes in complex legal research, writing, and argument. He primarily concentrates on Personal Injury, motor vehicle accident, and Wrongful Death cases. Ryan’s interest in the law began when he joined his high school mock trial team to overcome a fear of public speaking. After graduating from high school Ryan continued his education at the University of Texas at Austin where he earned his Bachelors in Business Administration in 1997. While attending college Ryan continued to pursue his interest in the law by becoming a member of the mock trial team, which placed fourth in the national Gold Flight Mock Trial Competition in 1994. Naturally, he went on to attend St. Mary’s University School of Law where he served as a research assistant for Professor Demleitner as well as a Torts course tutor for Professor (later, Dean) Cantu. Ryan also became a member of the John M. Harlan Society honoring scholastic legal achievement, and of the Phi Delta Phi — Tarlton Inn international legal fraternity. |
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* Note: Ryan A Todd Personal Wrongful Death KRW Lawyer is a , and business that is located in the city of and the county of in the state of . |