Business To Light™ FAQs

Q: I forgot my password, how do I get a new one?
A: Send an email to Please include the Contact Info for Company Name, Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, and Email Address that was used to register your account.
Q: The person who registered our business no longer works for us, how can I access our account?
A: Send an email to Please include the Contact Info to include Company Name, Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, and Email Address that was used to register your account.
Q: I'm not familiar with the term SEO, what does it mean?
A: SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. This helps the search engines find your listing and index it properly so their users can find your information.
Q: I don't have a business logo, can you help me make one?
A: We sure can. We can assist with anything from very simple and basic logos to elaborate ones. Cost is on a case by case basis.
Q: I'm familiar with SEOs, business descriptions and key words. I want to manage those myself, can I?
A: Yes you can. Just send an email to requesting for control of your keywords and description. Please include your company name and contact name and email address used to register account.
Q: None of the listed business categories apply to my business what do I do?
A: contact us at requesting a category be added. We will review your suggestion of a category. It is at the sole discretion of Business To Light™ whether we add a requested category or not.
Q: My business has three locations. Will one registration cover all three?
A: No. Business To Light™ Requires one registration per physical address.
Q: My logo is too big or to small, what do I do?
A: contact us at and we will try and help in any way we can.
Q: Will Business To Light™ Add/Edit or Delete any data I enter into their system?
A: Business To Light™ reserves the right to Add/Edit or Delete any data entered into our system but will only do so when the situation warrents it.